
Friday, May 22, 2009

Microsoft Excel : Common Questions Around Excel 2007 OLAP PivotTables


Common Questions Around Excel 2007 OLAP PivotTables

Today's author: Allan Folting, a program manager who works on the Excel team.

I have gotten lots of questions from customers around specific functionality in Microsoft Excel 2007 PivotTables that is missing when connected to Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services Service Pack 2 cubes:

  1. Filtering individual calculated members
  2. Showing non-visual totals when filtering

I have also gotten lots of requests for the ability to add calculations to OLAP PivotTables using the object model, specifically:

  1. Adding calculated members/measures
  2. Adding named sets

Today I'll discuss these topics and outline current ways and workarounds to address this.

Microsoft Excel : Common Questions Around Excel 2007 OLAP PivotTables


Alexis said...

Some days ago I worked with my excel file and after that something happened and it was damaged.But I entered in google and found there-how to repair an excel file 2007.Program helped me in 30 seconds and composed it for free.Moreover I knew that tool recover after attack viruses, problems with media (a hard drive failure, a corrupted CD or DVD, etc.).

Alexis said...

Todat I was working with my MS Excel and accidentally light down.All my data was damaged.I couldn't know what to do.But fortunately on the net I saw-microsoft excel 2007 recovery tool.Tool decided my issues very easy and free of cost.My friends were lucky too.