
Wednesday, December 5, 2007


I was asked last Monday to fly last minute down to Redmond to perform a 1-day review of the PerformancePoint Beta Exam for Friday.  I still don't know if I passed yet, but it looks promising.

Anyway, I madly arranged flights & hotels, and was just about to confirm my flight when I found out they had filled the spot I was filling for someone else.

Needless to say I was a bit peeved.  But I think things work out for the best, or, like Seinfeld, they even out in the end.  Sounds like it would have been a wet weekend, and I probably would have been stuck in the airport anyway.  Next time I'll try for the summer instead.

We got dumped with snow on Sunday up here too, which closed the airport for awhile. 

Because it always snows in Canada.

I often defend Seattle when people say it rains all the time. I say, "Actually, it doesn't rain that much, it is just gray a lot." But this just in, my basement is flooded. And it is still coming down sick in Seatown! I've been carting 5-gallon buckets of murky business up my stairs to dump in the backyard all morning, to the tune of:

  • no apparent result, and
  • one blister. 

You're on your own, Seattle. 

Don't come crying to me.

Source: "So, a booth babe and a geek walk in to a bar..."

The Microsoft PerformancePoint Team Blog : Implementing a Hyperlink from a KPI in a Scorecard


One of the capabilities of Business Scorecard Manager 2005 (BSM) that was changed in PerformancePoint was the ability to specify a URL to link to upon clicking a KPI. This was the Overriding URL property in BSM. It is still possible to get this functionality in PerformancePoint, but it requires adding an aspx page (attached to this blog post) and implementing the following procedures.

The Microsoft PerformancePoint Team Blog : Implementing a Hyperlink from a KPI in a Scorecard

Monday, December 3, 2007

Dan Meyers' - BI Blog

A package of cubes that integrate with PerformancePoint Dashboards, Charts, KPIs, and Scorecards?   Nothing to do but map data?  Sounds like the Scorecard Accelerator model taken to another level.

Microsoft is working on a project called Microsoft Enterprise Cube. 

Dan Meyers' - BI Blog

The Microsoft PerformancePoint Team Blog


Summary: While you're developing software that integrates with PerformancePoint Server 2007 Dashboards, you may find it helpful to turn on CriTrace. CriTrace traces all the calls to the CreateRenderingInstructions web method in RenderingService.asmx and dumps the parameters passed to that web method out to the server's file system as xml files.

The Microsoft PerformancePoint Team Blog