
Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Baker's Dozen: 13 Tips for Querying OLAP Databases with MDX

Roll your own Assumption Model with LookupCube.

with member [PurchaseAmt] AS LOOKUPCUBE("Project Materials Cube", "([Measures].[Purchase Amount],[Fy Qtr].[" + [FY Qtr].CurrentMember.Name + "])" ) -- We need to construct a string that looks -- exactly like this… -- ( [Measures].[Purchase Amount] , [Fy Qtr].[2005 Q1]) select { [Measures].[HoursWorked], [Measures].[Total Labor], [PurchaseAmt]} on columns, [Fy Qtr].children on rows from [Project Labor Cube]

The Baker's Dozen: 13 Tips for Querying OLAP Databases with MDX

1 comment:

Unknown said...

what is this website i asked for an answer to a question not rubbish. This is a pooish website.