
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Dissecting the Model XML - Part 1

Download the XML Notepad tool.

Save the results of the query in query analyzer. (from the application database for the model).

-- export latest model version
select top 1 cast(cast(cast(xmlblob as varbinary(max)) as varchar(max)) as xml)
FROM dbo.BizAppNodes
order by bizappnodeversion desc

First node.

Fabrikam Inc Planning 1


Dissecting the node.

Id - a unique ID used throughout the tables in PerformancePoint.
ParentID - the unique ID of the parent model site.
BizTypeIdRef Id - the type of model. Stored in the PPSPlanningSystem database BizTypes table. It's a unique identifier. This makes it very tough to move your XML to another server, since the GUID may not be unique. Should confirm this.
OlapServerName - Machine name of the server. Defined in the Administrator web page.
DeployedId - Has the version been deployed. Since we took the last version it hasn't. However this doesn't appear to be used as the samples I checked were all 0.

Next entry - Dissecting the Model XML - Part 2 - The Unchangeable Properties of Time

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