
Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Establish. Execute. Evolve.™: On Two Rational Guides for PerformancePoint Server 2007

Two new books on the way from Adrian Downes. 

After The Rational Guide to Microsoft Business Scorecard Manager 2005 was released many people asked "so when's the PPS book coming?". Nick Barclay and I remained decidedly quiet about the idea of another book. It was, in fact, always our intention to write a PerformancePoint book, with the aim of publishing as close to RTM as possible.
Early on in the planning process we found that a single Rational Guide just didn't contain enough pages to cover the product adequately; to remedy this we wrote two books.
We are pleased to announce that the following books are soon to be published via Rational Press:

Based on the feedback from readers and bloggers, Nick and I have found that the interest in learning the product is massive. Our titles are designed specifically to help you get up to speed quickly with the Monitor - Analyze - Plan feature areas of PerformancePoint.

- Adrian Downes

Establish. Execute. Evolve.™: On Two Rational Guides for PerformancePoint Server 2007

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